The National Institute of Health Science Japan has adopted the sensor
Siddarmark LLC has begun to apply CNT yarn to automation parts, robots, human interfaces for virtual reality, biological signal detection, etc. This sensor has been adopted by the National Institute of Health Science Japan as a new biological sensor to develop the next generation method to evaluate acute toxicity. The biological response is immediately d e t e c t e d and diagnosed without killing, using the animal nervous signal & EEG. This method will be globally proposed by the Japanese Ministry as an innovative acute toxicity evaluation method.
Starting with the seed technology developed by Professor Y. Hayashi at Okayama University, Siddarmark, LLC industrialized the unique technology to spin infinite length CNT yarn (Sugikuro® yarn) from high purity vertically aligned double-walled carbon nanotube (DWCNT) at low cost. Sugikuro® yarn is manufactured controlling its diameter, conductivity, twist angle, surface property, and mechanical performance under the standardized QC. Although the yarn is made without any post-treatment, the electrical resistance is low at the same level as metal (mercury) and its specific strength exceeds major carbon fiber. As adopting the newly developed CNT synthesis method, the catalyst remains on the substrate almost completely. Therefore, the residual metal in the Sugikuro® yarn is below the detection limit. As a result, no abnormal current occurs inside the yarn.
Sugikuro® High-Speed Strain Sensors
Sugikuro® yarns are industrially fabricated as woven fabric tape (photo below). When used as a motion sensor, the response speed of Sugikuro® yarn tape is theoretically 0.1 ms. The gauge factor (GF) is measured as 20 or larger and the output signal is linear. In addition to the motion sensing, the sensor tape works as a tactile sensing device. As an interface between human and machine, these characteristic performance allows converting human motions in the real world to digital signals in the cyberspace. The sensing mechanism is not a resistance change but a newly discovered physical phenomenon; the detail won’t be disclosed at present due to preparing for scientific article submission.
Bio-Sensing Tapes
As the CNT sheet is optimal as a sensor for neural signals of assist robots such as Cyberdyne’s HAL, it has been actively studied since the middle of the 21st century. Development of reproducible and flexible CNT sheets was awaited. At Siddarmark, we provide prototypes of the commercial products as biosignal sensors that sense heart rate, myoelectricity, and nerve signals, with advice from medical scientists over the world. Features are as follows.
✓ Pick up pulse, myoelectric signal, and nerve signal (need software to
analyze the signal).
✓ Thin, flexible, and non-metallic (Note: Band-aid type metal button is a
connection terminal for demonstration).
✓ No conductive paste or cream is required.
✓ Electric signals are linear, which allows using existing monitors.
✓ Those tapes are washable (durability was tested): hair bands, wrist bands,
etc. are available. All can be incinerated after use.
✓ CNT dust is not generated during use.
The yarn woven patterns will be designed as requested. Sugikuro® yarn is the only DWCNT in the world that is adopted for strict safety assessment at the national laboratories in Japan and the UK. Please visit at to find further information and movies.
Please note that recently fake Siddarmark homepages swindle you in WEB.